Imagine a world with no music.  In Heartsong, you explore this world and unlock the pieces of music long forgotten.

This game is being made over 2 weeks for the [GDKO 2023 - Round 2] game jam.  The focus was on music and sound design.  The challenge: tell a story using sound.  All sounds and music created by me.


I had the idea to make the story literally be ABOUT sound.  In a challenge focused on sound design, what better way to showcase sound and music importance than to have it be the central story element.  That felt really unique.  So I decided to go with it.

Full explanation of how I came up with the idea and my development plan can be found on my blog.  Be sure to check it out!

It didn't turn out quite the way I envisioned, but I'm at least satisfied with the results.  Dev log coming soon.


Arrows/ASDW - Move

Space - Jump

Controller supported


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Loved the game. It was easy on the eyes and very entertaining.